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The sweet banana pepper is a medium-sized member of the chili pepper family that has a mild, slightly sweet, tangy taste. While typically bright yellow, it is possible for them to change to green, red, or orange as they ripen. It is often pickled, stuffed or used as a raw ingredient in foods.


Banana peppers are sweet and hot which is high in vitamin content, fiber and also low in calories. Banana peppers are good amount of Vitamin B6, Vitamin C and folate which are essential for maintaining heart health and reduce the chances of certain cancers. ... It acts as an antioxidant to eradicate cancer.


Excellent for stuffed peppers, salads, salsas, pickled peppers, on sandwiches, snack crunchers and more! 


Sweet Banana Chili Pepper Organic Seeds

  • Seeds harvested August through September 2020 on our Unique Creek Homestead. 

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