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Woodland Sunflower is especially suitable for dry, open woodland or savanna. It resembles a number of other species of sunflower, and some of these species hybridize naturally, making identification difficult. The plants are rhizomatous and spread vigorously, and therefore may not be suitable for small planting areas.



The flower nectar and pollen appeals to honey bees, native bees, beneficial wasps, pollinating flies, butterflies, skippers and beetles.  At least 6 species of specialty bees (that only pollinate Helianthus spp.) visit the flowers. Helianthus divaricatus hosts caterpillars of checkerspot butterflies, painted lady butterflies and several moths.  Seeds are eaten by several types of gamebirds, songbirds and by small mammals.  Mature colonies provide cover for many kinds of wildlife.

Woodland Sunflower Helianthus divaricatus Organic Naturally Grown

  • Life Cycle: Perennial

    Sun Exposure: Partial, Shade

    Soil Moisture: Medium, Medium-Dry, Dry

    Height: 4 feet

    Bloom Time: July, August, September

    Bloom Color: Yellow

    Indoors: Cold, moist stratification. Start at least 5 weeks before outdoor night temperatures are reliably in the 10 C (50 F) range. Mix the seed with a slightly moistened, sterile, soil-less growing mix. Put this in a labelled, sealed plastic bag and store in a refrigerator for one day. The next day place this in the freezer for one day. Repeat this for one week, alternating between the fridge and the freezer. After stratifying, plant seed 0.32 cm (1/8 inch) deep in pots. Keep moist but not soggy and very warm (21 C - 70 F). When seedlings are 5 cm (2 inches) tall or more, transplant into the garden spaced 30 cm (1 foot) apart.

    Outdoors: Plant seed 0.32 cm (1/8 inch) deep in a prepared seed bed in late fall so that the seed overwinters and germinates naturally in spring.

    Outdoors Alternative: In late fall through to mid-winter fill plastic pots with a slightly moistened, sterile, soil-less growing mix. Plant seed 0.32 cm (1/8 inch) deep in pots and label the pots. Place them outdoors in an area where they will experience the snow and cold of winter. The seed will germinate in the pots in spring as the weather warms up. Be sure to water the pots regularly in spring and once the plants are 5 cm (2 inches) tall, transplant them into your garden.

    ABOUT THESE SEEDS: SEEDS FRESHLY HARVESTED AUGUST 19th, 2021 from right here on our Unique Creek Homestead!


    Scott & Melissa
    Unique Primtiques Custom Woodworking
    Unique Creek Homestead